May 2023, Amsterdam
True Partner Capital was honored to have received the opportunity to sponsor the 2023 Econometric Game. The event has been hosted by the University of Amsterdam since 1999 and is organized by the University’s study association for Actuarial Science, Econometrics & Operational Research (VSAE).
Participating universities send delegations of four students majoring in econometrics or other analogous courses, with a maximum of two PhD students. The teams were given a case study to resolve in two days – this year’s topic being ‘Preventing malnutrition’. Only 10 out of the 26 teams progressed to the final round, where they were tasked with presenting their solutions to a jury of qualified and independent professors, as well as their peers.

After going through a thorough review process, the jury has announced this year’s winners:
- University of Warsaw (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
- University of Bologna (Universita di Bologna)
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Interesting to learn that the winners from Warsaw were able to use machine learning based methods to provide precise and robust predictions for food insecurity, considering gender inequality and intensive protectionist measures.
True Partner Capital would like to congratulate the 3 winners for their excellent work, whilst thanking all teams that participated and helped to make this year’s game a resounding success. We hope to see major excellence from participants at the next Econometric Game!
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