International event for the Alternative Investment Industry

In its 10th year, the Amsterdam Investor Forum (AIF) has established itself as one of Europe’s principal gatherings for traditional and alternative asset managers and allocators. True Partner Capital will be present at the event, which takes place on 20 & 21 September 2022 at the ABN AMRO head office in Amsterdam.
The Forum, organized by ABN AMRO Clearing, brings together leading economists, senior hedge fund executives and financial services innovators to discuss the current opportunity set, evolving market backdrop and challenges facing the industry.
The AIF has a reputation for featuring high calibre speakers with specialist market knowledge. The forum offers attendees the opportunity to navigate a more intimate environment with these subject matter experts. It is a very personalised event which allows for many networking opportunities in a professional, yet comfortable setting.
Mr. Tobias Hekster, Co-CIO of True Partner Capital USA in Chicago is pleased to be joining the AIF panel this year again. He will be speaking in panel 6 on September 21 at 4:45 PM.

A truly global conference with attendees from all over the world, it offers industry professionals the chance to understand the ever-changing market and the opportunities available as well as connect face-to-face with their peers and clients.
At this year’s AIF, experts in the industry will be outlining current investor sentiment towards hedge funds and the factors which are influencing these attitudes. In 2022, one notable market characteristic has been volatility. Volatility could be interesting as a strategy, but also as an asset class itself. ABN AMRO’s Amzallag*: “In exploiting many different arbitrage opportunities, volatility focused hedge funds can provide more nuanced protection. They are also typically agnostic of market direction and so have earned their permanent place in investors’ portfolios.”.
In this light, we are looking forward to providing our views on the markets in general and volatility in particular during the panel.
More information about the ABN AMRO Clearing:
For more information about the Amsterdam Investor Forum 2022 speakers:
* Publication of Hedgeweek interview of Delphine Amzallag, Global Head of Prime, ABN AMRO Clearing Bank:
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